We hope that everyone is having a great 2016 so far. At the start of the New Year we have a couple of new faces join us the team at Step Forward.

We are pleased to say a big warm welcome to Sarah Johnson and Rebecca Clement who join us as our two new Counselling and Wellbeing Workers.  Now, Sarah and Rebecca may seem a little familiar to many of you because they have both previously been volunteering with us as counsellors. Sarah has been here for nearly 3 years and Rebecca joined as a volunteer last summer.

Sarah told us “I’ve really enjoyed volunteering as a Counsellor at Step Forward as the staff here have always been very welcoming and supportive, I can’t think of a nicer team of people to be joining. I’ve got lots of great people around me that I can learn from and I hope I can add some of my own skills to the team. I’m excited to have a bigger role and get to work with more young people.

Rebecca added “What an awesome start to 2016! Really looking forward to meeting more young people in the community and getting to work with the fabulous crew at Step Forward!”

They will both be working with us on the Forward Thinking partnership, here in clinics, with SRE in schools and at outreach events across the borough. They will also be using their skills and experience as counsellors to support more young people here at Step Forward.

If you see them around the place then please say “Hi” and help us to welcome them into the team.