[flickr id=”7724118440″ thumbnail=”medium” overlay=”true” size=”medium” group=”” align=”none”] Our CEO Jennifer mixed with some of the movers and shakers of Westminster last week after accepting an invitation from the Prime Minister to attend a reception at No. 10 Downing Street.

David Cameron had invited people to the reception in the garden at Number 10 who had helped make a difference to the lives of LGBT people including campaigners, politicians, charity representatives, celebrities, the media and members of the clergy.

Jennifer got to mingle with all the other guests enjoying the illustrious surroundings before David Cameron joined them. In a short speech before circulating with his invited guests the Prime Minister told them that this was “a celebration of the immense contribution that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people make in every part of our country, in the arts, in media, in sport, in business, in finance – that’s what tonight is about and I want to thank you for the immense contribution that you make to our country.”

Jennifer enjoyed the opportunity to not only visit such a historic building but to talk to other guests about the work of Step Forward  making a few new supporters on the way. As our photos show, Jennifer took the opportunity to talk with Prime Minister about Step Forward and the work we with young people in East London.

Jenifer said: “I talked to David about my experience at Step Forward and highlighted homophobia as something that affects all young people. We talked about how changing legislation is the first step to challenging discrimination, but that so much more is needed to help make things better for young LGBT people.”

Our Chair Chloe said: “We were thrilled by the invitation to visit No.10. Recognition at this level is a great reflection on all the hard work Jennifer and the team at Step Forward have put in to raise our profile and connect with those who can make a difference at the top, next stop Buckingham Palace!”