Nic & Brendan’s Everest Trek

Local Authority workers Nic and Brendan undertook a gruelling 17 day Transverse Everest Trek to fundraise for us. They took a banner made by some of our young people all the way to Everest Base Camp.

“We wanted to support a local charity where we knew that any money raised would make a difference. After coming to visit the amazing setup we were convinced that Step Forward would be a great cause for us to try and raise sponsorship for.”

Nic Teeman
Everest Trek Fundraiser

It is an extremely challenging and difficult Trek, with a minimum of 7 hours walking for at least 17 days, and Nic and Brendan had weeks of hard training – cycling, running, climbing – to get them into shape to face the hostile and unsympathetic environment that awaited them.

A completely self-funded trip, they raised £1,792.00 for Step Forward!

For more info or to donate, visit: